Registration and Forms

"Once a pirate, always a pirate!"
Student Registration
KAPLAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Registration Documents Needed
In order to register your child at Kaplan Elementary School, the following documents are required.
Original State Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Immunization Card
Proof of Residence
* Current Utility Bill (must be provided)-If the utility bill is not in the custodial parent’s name an Affidavit form provided by the school must be completed and notarized.
* Second Proof of Residence (water, gas, rent receipt, proof of home ownership, homeowners insurance, or a landline telephone bill. These items must be in the name of the custodial parent. All documents must show the physical address, not a P.O. Box Number.
In case of divorce/separation court appointed custody papers must be presented to the school with the domicile parents name on it.
Withdrawal or transfer form from the last school attended and a current report card is needed.
School Packet Registration Forms 22-23
Domicile 23-24
Affidavit 23-24
KES Parent Student Handbook Vermilion Parish School System Handbook
KAPLAN, LA 70548
Phone :(337) 643-7965
Fax :(337) 643-2821