Dozier Elementary School 2024 - 2025 Spirit Shirts (Early Sale)
Link to download letter.
Proceeds from this t-shirt sale will help provide funds for instructional materials, operating expenses, motivational incentives for staff and students, and other expenditures which are not funded through other sources.
Every Friday will be “SPIRIT DAY”! Students are allowed to wear their Dozier spirit shirts with uniform bottoms. In addition, students have the option to wear jean pants, shorts, or skirts; or athletic shorts or pants for a $1.00 donation.
All of the styles will be offered in youth and adult sizes. Please fill out the order form below and return with the money or a check payable to Dozier to your child’s teacher by Friday, May 24th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school office. We would like to THANK YOU for your support! We will have a second order for spirit shirts once school begins. Color photos can be viewed on our Facebook page.
NOTE: Shirt Forms will go home Wednesday, April 24, 2024 in test folder. Note the shirt with the darker sleeve is dry fit.
Shirt with DARKER SLEEVE is Dry Fit